Technical Metadata

To facilitate the preservation of the digital files created in the PRD scanning lab technical metadata about the digital files should be recorded. A majority of the basic image information (resolution, color space, bit depth, etc.) is captured in the EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) files and can be viewed in Photoshop’s File Browser.

The Image Production values recommended by the NISO Z39.87 standard need to be recorded manually.  The values which are to be recorded manually are as follows (this is for the Better Light scan back):

Host Computer Dell Optiplex GX270
OS Windows
OS Version XP
Image Producer Columbia University
Scanning Back Manufacturer Better Light
Scanning Back Model Name Super 8K-2
Scanning Back Software Viewfinder 7.2
Scene Illuminant HID
Camera Body TTI Reflex ei Camera
Camera Lens Rodenstock f5.6 90mm Sironar-Digital
Target Type Kodak Q-13 Color Separation Guide and Gray Scale

These values are to be recorded as a text file on the desktop. At the start of each session the values can be cut and pasted into the Info Box in the Better Light Viewfinder software.

For the Epson 1640 XL and 10000XL and Coolscan 9000 scanners these values can be cut and pasted (from the text file on the desktop) into the Image Description box in Photoshop CS under File Info (File – File Info) for each digital file. In both cases the information will be embedded in the tiff header 270 (Image Description).